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harkuponthegay t1_j936jk5 wrote

What’s weird about this case is that (if I’m reading it correctly) the culprit took one of the victims back to his own home (the perpetrators home, not the victim’s) in order to rape him and then the following day forced that same victim to drive to an ATM and withdraw $4000 which he took and then released the man.

What kind of criminal mastermind takes a victim who they plan to release back to the place where they live, and then puts them in the drivers seat to go to an ATM the next morning?

Did he not think that this person would obviously be able to lead the police right to him? I mean the victim knew his home address and exactly what he looked like. Did he think he was going to get away with it??

I feel sorry for the victims it sounds terrifying. Even more so because the culprit is low key good-looking so I could see myself swiping right on him. Don’t meet up with someone for the first time in a parking lot y’all, be careful