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joebobjoebobjoebob12 t1_j9tuugf wrote

>The “panoramic”—he hates the word pandemic—seemed like it was never going to end.

OK, two sentences in and I already want to punch this guy.

>There was the roof-top Super Soaker bash where a boozed-up crowd sprayed water and Champagne guns. Nicki Night with Minaj tunes and twerking. Cuffing-season mixers with speed dating and onsite matchmakers. Each event was bigger than the last, sold out, and typically enough to cover a couple months’ rent. He dated someone he’d met in his TikTok comments. A Michelin-starred restaurant invited him to its $155 cocktail “experience,” fully comped. Clubs were giving him free tables and bottle service with half-­naked girls blasting sparklers and waving lit-up drinks in the district signs. Royalty, baby.

Do people actually like doing this shit? Or do they just pretend to themselves that they do because this is what they assume "living life" actually means?