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MoreCleverUserName t1_jdnkndn wrote

Vibes don’t pay the rent.


[deleted] t1_jdnm38c wrote



MoreCleverUserName t1_jdno6b5 wrote

You mean the executives that are closing Starbucks locations and blaming it on crime when we all know it is low revenues and the occasional union busting? I’m sure they want you to buy your coffee and gtfo too, not sit there all day Pretending to work.


lc1138 t1_jdoisds wrote

Clearly people don’t know that the innovation of Starbucks is the creation of the experience of sitting and staying in a coffee shop. I’m not talking about their current controversies. Do your homework.


MoreCleverUserName t1_jdolcfx wrote

Starbucks was founded in 1971 and went nationwide in 1986. Pretty sure most businesses adapt their business model in response to the market over the course of 50 years. Especially when you consider the difference in commercial rent in 1970’s Seattle to today’s Washington DC, you can see how a low-margin establishment with a low per-head spend cannot survive without high customer turnover. Customers camping out all day isn’t conducive to high turnover.
I can put that in PowerPoint if that helps :)