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t1_je2ahcx wrote

EMS alert says first amendment activity but no idea what they are protesting. Anyway I got a second alert that this is cleared now.


t1_je2qatn wrote

ERA related protest from my understanding. Just chatted with someone who was there on my metro commute.


t1_je4x4fq wrote

They always know what road/exit/position will cause maximum fuckage and it really annoys me. I’m all for first amendment rights but I hate when they are weaponized like this and used to harass other people. It doesn’t do your cause any good to piss a bunch of people off who are just trying to get somewhere on the only highway entrance.


t1_je53c01 wrote

I always wonder if they consider the allies that they lose by making them sit in traffic for hours, engines idling needlessly.


t1_je5btur wrote

I’d love to meet somebody so flimsy that their entire position on a political topic shifts due to some small group of people creating a couple hours disturbance, at worst.

Like, be annoyed and comment how few allies they’re making but who would they be losing?


t1_je6il6h wrote

Im sure civil servants who are slave to the traffic light will go change federal policy for people who are protesting instead of working on actual solutions because of MORE traffic.


t1_je4nsj4 wrote

My car was blocked in. I was next to these clowns. No idea what they were doing. It was so amateur, it was almost another level of pathetic that I’ve never encountered. This younger generation has nothing to offer. They created a giant traffic jam all over the city and had no message. The kicker, the cops blocked the whole street so there was no one there to even see them.
