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MollyGodiva t1_jdvptfw wrote

You don’t have money for all that on 100k in the DC area. That income will only cover housing.


ever-right t1_jdw3b8r wrote

100k covers housing and more in DC. I know people making 50-60k and they live with roommates, but are still able to travel a little, save money in their 401k and Roths. If they made 100k they could afford to live alone and still have some leftover.

I'm not saying you'll live without thinking about money but you'll do okay.


NorseTikiBar t1_jdvw3s9 wrote

"At least" means that that percentage describes plenty of people that make well over that.


MollyGodiva t1_jdvyqs7 wrote

The single data point has very little value without more information about what the incomes of people saying they are living paycheck to paycheck. This range covers people making just over 100k and multimillionaires.