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Visible_Ambassador95 t1_jbybwj5 wrote

“Magic technology that hadn’t been invented yet”


rlbond86 t1_jbyqo0o wrote

Oh boy, I can't wait for metro to shell out tens of millions of dollars on this unproven tech, only to result in me missing my trains due to long lines and false positives. Oh and as an added bonus, there will be a nice long line for people to shoot at now.

Oh boy, 2-3k per scanner every month and thousands of false positives.


rlbond86 t1_jbz57t0 wrote

> guests who were stopped simply had to take their items to a nearby security Cast Member who was able to perform a targeted inspection

Oh boy, I can't wait to miss trains for this and to cost metro tens of millions of dollars to hire hundreds of security screeners for nearly 100 stations.


Visible_Ambassador95 t1_jbzd5no wrote

God forbid you be so inconvenienced


rlbond86 t1_jbzskno wrote

Public transit already has the problem where it's slower than a car... Having crazy security checks will only be a higher barrier to ridership.