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drr71-2 t1_jbz7w0x wrote

Using your "logic", we can also not care about the homeless, children's hunger, and shelter This is great advice....apathy absolves us of any worries!! I'm off to dump my used oil in the Chesapeake Bay!!!


suffertunity t1_jc084tb wrote

First of all, the only "care" shown to the homeless on this site or most media around DC is to complain about them. And unlike metro shootings, there's lots of homeless in DC, it's an actual ongoing disaster affecting thousands of people on a daily basis.

But instead of being concerned about that, this sub is all about making sure everyone is aware of every criminal incident that occurs in a 10 mile radius.


drr71-2 t1_jc140w7 wrote

Nah.... don't go changing your apathetic ways on me just after I decided to be like you!! I'm now looking at the homeless, littering, and shelter animals "from a purely rational perspective" .... like you. You said, if something "is comparatively no big deal compared to the other things we don't care about." that we are "technically correct" not to care. With the war in Ukraine, climate change, national debt, etc., then we're right not to be concerned about things like the homeless. Thank you for this new way of looking at the world and for defending me for not caring.