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Yithar t1_jec3d5q wrote

As stated, more police won't do that much. More police is kind of a band-aid solution to the problem. Some people with mental illness do need to be put in mental institutions as they're a danger to other people.

Making sure people pay their fare helps because someone who thinks it's okay to assault someone or steal someone's wallet sure as hell doesn't care about paying the fare. For some people, the fare can be a lot of money so they have to think about whether it's worth it or not.

Like I agree with this sentiment:

> Caring about profit is stupid, yes, but I’d argue that 99% of all crime and public hazardous drug use that occurs on RTD is done a person who did not pay the fare. > > Essentially, most metro systems use the fare not just to subsidize the cost, but also historically to prevent troublemakers from entering the system. For this reason, Denver is right to want to keep the fare and also enforce it.


sagarnola89 t1_jeextjt wrote

We need to reopen the government-run mentwl asylums that were closed down in the 80s. People like this should be picked up, put into an asylum, and given treatment.