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Elite_dragonslayer96 t1_je2yaec wrote

Riding a scooter is not inherently dangerous. It’s the cars that are the problem. Drivers are the ones killing people. Scooters aren’t death traps — cars are death machines.


WinterMedical t1_je5mrc0 wrote

7:30 in October would be dark or dusk out. Do these scooters have lights or reflectors? Also man you gotta wear a helmet, a crack in the sidewalk will kill you just as easily as a car w/o a helmet. Obviously the driver should have stopped, I'm just thinking that there may have been visibility issues as well.


keyjan t1_je30kcu wrote

Eh, I dunno; a few years ago, I watched a guy on a scooter run down a pedestrian. A couple nights ago, I watched 2 scooter riders crash into each other in the 9th St bike lanes. However, it’s true that scooters on their own are much less deadly, since their speed is a lot lower than cars and they’re featherweights.


Elite_dragonslayer96 t1_je39aol wrote

I agree with you, there are plenty of reckless scooter riders out there and I hate when they whiz by me on the sidewalk. But a reckless person in a car is way more deadly than a reckless person on a scooter.


the_bagel_warmonger t1_je5op07 wrote

Yes, reckless scooter riders/bikers exist, but so do reckless drivers. And if all those reckless drivers were instead reckless scooter riders, we'd save ~40 thousand American lives per year.

It's just not even in the same universe.