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t1_jcwo5tn wrote

Yeah. I’m blaming the person behind the wheel. You’re using a Schrödinger’s cat argument blaming the police for the criminal’s actions. If I drive shitfaced and cause an accident am I not to blame?


t1_jcwp98s wrote

Driving shitfaced would meet the legal standard for proximate cause of an accident, since it would be reasonably foreseeable that doing that could result in someone's injury or death.

It would be reasonable to use force to stop a drunk driver from endangering other people.

The car thief in this story didn't pose a danger to anyone until the Police got involved.

Simply stealing a car doesn't justify the use of force, nor should it justify his death.


t1_jcwpk11 wrote

How can you say he didn’t pose a threat? Do you know what his mindset was? You are basing your argument on a supposition that as far as I can tell you’ve just decided is fact


t1_jcws38n wrote

>How can you say he didn’t pose a threat?

Because he was asleep inside the car when police found him:

Which is a pretty crucial detail missing from OP's article.


t1_jcwso89 wrote

I don’t see that in any article except WaPo and that’s behind a paywall


t1_jcwty7q wrote

Copying here to avoid the paywall:

>The incident began when D.C. police received a call about a suspicious vehicle, and officers found the car parked with the engine running, according to a D.C. police spokesman. The driver appeared to be asleep or nodding off, the spokesman said. The officers ran the tags and determined the vehicle was stolen, according to the spokesman, and called for backup.

>Two Park Police officers responded to the call near 34th and Baker streets NE, said Park Police spokesman Thomas Twiname. They approached the car, and one of them got into the back seat, at which point the driver appeared to wake up and hit the accelerator, the D.C. police spokesman said.

>The officer was “trapped in the vehicle,” Twiname said, and unable to escape. The officer gave commands to stop and then discharged a firearm, Twiname said. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene.