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BellbergDC t1_jed1stm wrote

Only Boebert could make Charles Allen likeable


caphilldcne t1_jed77i5 wrote

Charles is a decent person who is working hard to ensure fair and equal Justice to citizens of DC. If you have a specific issue, state it.


BellbergDC t1_jedovwf wrote

He isn’t a decent person as his grandstanding and kowtowing has made our city less safe.


caphilldcne t1_jeedx1n wrote

To the contrary he’s well within the mainstream of criminal legal system reform and working to end over policing and mass incarceration of African Americans and other minorities. Crime is not worse here than in many conservative led cities.


BellbergDC t1_jeemwz1 wrote

I don’t care about you their cities crime rate, I’m concerned about my city where I live and pay taxes.

DC shouldn’t be compared to any other city we are completely different.

Let’s not rest our hats on what other cities are doing or failing at.


caphilldcne t1_jeengmv wrote

Charles criminal legal system reforms will lead to both lower incarceration rates and lower crime. More police is completely irrelevant to whether crime goes up or down. Why shouldn’t DC be compared to other cities? It’s relevant to deciding on what policies work.


BellbergDC t1_jeeosi9 wrote

Absolutely not. You cannot compare how the District works and it’s responsibilities compared to any other city. Our government has the Herculean tasks of policing the national nations Capitol as local, county, state, and federal.

Outside of policing our other government functions have greater responsibilities than other municipalities.


anoriginalusername65 t1_jed892j wrote

Thanks for the laugh


caphilldcne t1_jed8l9m wrote

Run against him and see how you do. Big talk. No action.


BellbergDC t1_jedp5of wrote

That makes sense, Americans can only criticize politicians if they run against them. If they are not willing to run against the politicians they should just be quiet.


caphilldcne t1_jeebvy3 wrote

You seem determined to miss the point. His policies are a lot more popular than you think. He’s great at constituent services and he’s generally thoughtful and responsive.


BellbergDC t1_jeen19s wrote

Yes that makes sense, he is so popular he has a recall petition because they want to recall him for the council and make him mayor? Come on.


caphilldcne t1_jeeo1a3 wrote

Anyone can file a recall petition. I don’t expect that he will actually be recalled.


BellbergDC t1_jeeoi0y wrote

Maybe, maybe not. I think there is a reasonable chance the question will be on the ballot.


anoriginalusername65 t1_jee8o13 wrote

A little over 3% of DC residents voted for him, with zero competition. That’s about 24000 out of 786000 people. He’s allowed to destroy the city with his policies when only getting 3% of votes. The city council is a joke and should be dismantled.


caphilldcne t1_jeecwuu wrote

Yes. He was running unopposed. Another way to put this is that he’s liked well enough that people didn’t run against him in the primary.

So you want to dismantle the city council? "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." - David Frum.

Do you even hear yourself? I’ve got a better idea - statehood for DC so we don’t have Boebert and the rest of the congressional clown show all in up in our business.


anoriginalusername65 t1_jefehao wrote

I’ll come back to this in a year when MPD has less than 3000 officers and and crime is up more than this year. I wonder what quote you’ll use then.