They need to do this 24/7 on 14th Street. It's six lanes, 3 on each side, but:
Right lane: all parking, so useless for driving.
Middle lane: frequently blocked by Ubers/Lyfts/UberEats/GrubHub/UPS/FedEx/etc. drivers waiting to pick up people/food or drop people/packages off OR cars trying to turn right but can't because of pedestrians crossing the street
Left lane: frequently blocked by drivers trying to turn left
There's no lane that you don't get stuck in or have to weave out of.
14th. 16th. New York. Connecticut. Much of 9th NW too.
Take New York, for example. 85% of the stopped traffic and bottleneck going west from NoMa into Mt Vernon Square is caused by the parking on the side of the road forcing drivers to squeeze from three lanes into two for a few blocks before opening up to four for the on-ramp to 395. So long as we’re dependent on cars, NY will continue to be a major thoroughfare, and parking on the side for those few blocks between N Capitol and New Jersey makes it hell and shuttles frustrated drivers off onto side streets.
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