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internet_emporium OP t1_isknpke wrote

there’s a lot of fun things that are against the law… that’s not a good reason to let them get away with it


bubbabubba345 t1_isksrw5 wrote

The reason to “let them get away with it” is exactly that, and it doesn’t endorse the cause either. As I said, chasing dirt bikes through the city would almost certainly result in injuries/deaths of bystanders (BECAUSE of the chase), and, there’s like a less than 1% chance that anyone actually gets caught because the maze of alleys and streets that DC is made up of.

Personally, I’d prefer to enjoy the show from my balcony every now and live my life.


internet_emporium OP t1_iskt85a wrote

Well whatever, as an avid artist myself I will come graffiti your building since it doesn’t hurt anyone and I will have a blast while doing it… might cover a couple windows, but it’s chill, cuz I’ll be having fun


bubbabubba345 t1_iskvvjs wrote

I mean if you wanna endorse high speed chases in densely populated neighborhoods, go for it. Just explaining to you the reason about why MPD doesn’t chase under most circumstances…


Sparqman t1_isl30mj wrote

In this analogy, does attempting to stop you from graffitiing run the risk of shattering the all the windows and hurting the people inside the building?


internet_emporium OP t1_isl3cyo wrote

No but now that you mention it shattering windows does sound pretty fun too.. I’ll just make sure nobody is behind them so they don’t get hurt. Win win.