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22304_selling t1_itv1y5g wrote

If anything, credit should be given to the planners of Dulles Airport back in the 1950s and 1960s for reserving the median right-of-way in the Dulles Toll Road, for a future rapid transit system to the airport that none of them would themselves live to see.

Their prescience even allows for this discussion. I think most metropolitan areas haven't had the same opportunity to build rapid transit to major facilities.


CrownStarr t1_itvukp3 wrote

Seriously, that blew my mind when I first learned about it. Imagine our infrastructure being built with that kind of future-proofing today.


SandBoxJohn t1_itxjtso wrote

It should also be noted that the land procured for the easement for the Dulles Access Road was made wide enough to not only build a future rail line but also to build the Toll Road.