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squuidlees t1_itf0x0c wrote

As we’ve seen recently, rowdy groups of teens do what they want, no matter what is happening or who might be harmed.


a-graceful-tater-tot OP t1_itf15pv wrote

Yeah, but in front of the suicide memorial? That's a bit extreme even for teenagers.


digitall565 t1_itfqm8r wrote

Is it? This honestly sounds like the low end of extreme things teenagers do, particularly in this city.


squuidlees t1_itf1oiw wrote

Unfortunately, I’m not even shocked. Beating on a lady and throwing her off the bus really drove home how groups of teens of the area really don’t care for anything but themselves and “clout” with their peers.


EveryPapaya57 t1_itgshg0 wrote

When kids commit aggravated assault, grand theft auto, and smoke weed in public areas without impunity, I’m afraid there are few things left to be surprised by.