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88138813 t1_iu0xdnz wrote

I know it's frustrating, but I always try to play devils advocate w/ delivery driver parking. We all order shit online. We all want it to get delivered to us as quickly as possible. Now imagine how long it would take if a delivery driver had to find a 100% legal parking spot for every single stop he or she needed to make... It's just not realistic.


teamuse t1_iu13ooh wrote

If we want convenience, we need to build the infrastructure for it, not make the roads less safe for everyone.


oxtailplanning t1_iu22wjv wrote

It's not the delivery drivers, is the miles of subsidized street parking that's the problem


professor__doom t1_iu3955f wrote

So let's just allow massive companies to profit even more by not ticketing their trucks, right?

NYC tickets the shit out of delivery trucks, and doesn't have this kind of problem. Somehow, New Yorkers manage to get their goods anyway.


88138813 t1_iu42dyn wrote

Where did I once mention exempting delivery drivers from receiving tickets?


floppydisk1995 OP t1_iu13jgx wrote

Right, and I get that. But I'm talking specifically when there is a wide open spot to park into, like 3 car lengths or more. I have never seen a delivery truck use it.


celj1234 t1_iu157dw wrote

Bc they don’t have time for that or to get stuck in a parking spot bc someone comes up from behind them and boxes them in.