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CaptainObvious110 t1_iuavbyq wrote

I gave you transportation options that are outside of the box that people normally think about.

If they don't fit your particular circumstance for whatever reason then they simply don't and that's just fine.

Never did I say that EVERYONE can do them. But I venture to say that MOST probably could.

I don't know I only know a few places I'll be willing at one time

Again whoever is unable to do them then they would know that my post wasn't directed at them so you coming at me with snark is completely and totally uneccesary.


Dear_Art_5845 t1_iub7fb0 wrote

You started your post with DUH, and I matched your energy in kind. I did not describe my own circumstances, merely thought about some that do exist and are regularly ignored. I’m merely pointing out that what you think is ‘out of the box’ is actually quite narrow and excludes a lot of people.


CaptainObvious110 t1_iubbnuc wrote

Duh because it's painfully obvious that there is no "one size fits all" as people have different circumstances.

It's not about being "ablest" either. Why do I say that? Because a number of people who I know that are elderly or disabled do the very things I mentioned. (Not bikes as they simply can't do it as much as they would like to).


Dear_Art_5845 t1_iubzlmm wrote

The word is ableist.

My point is that you are clearly not considering the people you so obviously don't know in your nice bubble.


CaptainObvious110 t1_iuc8ra6 wrote

False. Folks that are disabled or elderly can use Metro Access. That's what that service is for. It's not like these people are left stranded with no way to get where they need to go at all.

I mentioned that in my first message to you. But for whatever reason you missed that completely.

Anyway I'm out of troll food so take care.