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argle_bargled t1_it7jygq wrote

How close are you to NOMA? Wonder what his radius is…


hoosyourdaddyo t1_it7mtws wrote

Those bikes are absolute shit


hemlockone t1_it94md9 wrote

I don't agree with that, they just meet a different set of criteria than a great personal bike. They are heavy and the gears are slow, slower, slowest. But, they are able to accommodate many rider sizes and survive in the elements pretty well.

That doesn't make them free from maintenance (they need more..), best for moderate-long rides (not their target market), or ergonomically preferable to any but the most average of riders (for my 6'3 body, the handlebars are a little low for the style of bike, but the seat height can be adjusted perfectly).


AdvisorSuspicious915 t1_itbwqq2 wrote

That’s true they really are a great feature of the city, if you want to go on a bike ride for the sake of the bike ride just buy a bike, if you don’t feel like walking home from dinner … CaBi


poobly t1_it8c43i wrote

Heavy as fuck and will kill you going up hills but pretty fucking sturdy.


LizzardFish t1_it94255 wrote

saw him at SW Waterfront station two days ago lol