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sontow3 t1_ithiesc wrote

1.) The Supreme Court has never done that nor has it done anything like that - that's why our society keeps accepting its decisions.

2.) What's fucking stupid is that in like 50 comments the only "solution" you've been able to propose to your imagined problem is that all of society accept your interpretation of the Constitution, as if you should be our un-elected dictator. Sorry, the rest of us just don't have any respect for you, let alone want you to be the one who gets to decide for the rest of us what the Constitution means. We'll let the Supreme Court keep doing that, thank you very much.


Brickleberried t1_itjm03k wrote

> 1.) The Supreme Court has never done that nor has it done anything like that - that's why our society keeps accepting its decisions.

Except they did when they said "all crimes" doesn't mean "all crimes" and ignored "well-regulated militia".

> 2.) What's fucking stupid is that in like 50 comments the only "solution" you've been able to propose to your imagined problem is that all of society accept your interpretation of the Constitution, as if you should be our un-elected dictator. Sorry, the rest of us just don't have any respect for you, let alone want you to be the one who gets to decide for the rest of us what the Constitution means. We'll let the Supreme Court keep doing that, thank you very much.

What's stupid is that you think the Supreme Court can use whatever definition they fucking want without regard to what the words actually mean, and that you think I'm the crazy one for thinking that that's crazy.

Your interpretation is fucking nuts. Just admit it.


sontow3 t1_itkc5z3 wrote

All these comments and your only message is "wah wah wah, I don't like something the Supreme Court decided and I think I should get to decide how the Constitution applies for everyone in the entire country! wah wah wah."


Brickleberried t1_itldkmn wrote

All of your comments are "the Supreme Court can be as corrupt and stupid as possible, and you can't point it out".