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xenon_rose t1_issdfq0 wrote

Yeah… no. Do not talk to owner. Their response could be VERY negative. People are weird about things like this even when approached politely. Call the non-emergency number and hope for the best.


Deanocracy t1_isske7t wrote

Anonymous letter to start.

A few tips…

  1. Don’t allude to having many people who agree that the dog is bothering them..l leads to feelings of being attacked by the group and they can react defensively

  2. Just discuss your experience and how it impacts you. (You wfh and others hear it on zoom calls… baby woken up etc)

  3. Don’t suggest responses by the owner.. they will take it as you telling them what they should already know.

  4. Be nice. Ask them to help. Call the dog cute as a button.


lc1138 t1_istvoa5 wrote

This is probably a good idea. I hesitate with anonymity because it’s possible the owner wants to explain their side of the story, or maybe why they had to leave their dog outside. Sometimes there’s a good reason. Someone once posted an anonymous letter on my door complaining about a noise that wasn’t coming from my place and I wish I could’ve explained to the person that it wasn’t me. I guess there’s too much risk confronting and politely asking a neighbor to help you out though these days


Deanocracy t1_isu2rvb wrote

Yeah. Anonymous is the first step I think because it can avoid animosity…

Especially when you make sure the letter is with kindness. They may have doublepane super wi dows in their own house and the dog barely registers or something.