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t1_istbcsg wrote

Have you considered dressing in drag and playing the drums?

🎶 It was my lucky day today On Avenue A When a lady in a limousine Drove my way She said: "Darling be a dear Haven’t slept in a year I need your help To make my neighbor's yappy dog disappear" "This Akita, Evita, just won't shut up I believe if you play nonstop that pup Will breathe its very last High strung breath I'm certain that cur Will bark itself to death"

Today 4 U Tomorrow for me

Today 4 U Tomorrow for me

We agreed on a fee A $1000 guarantee Tax free And a bonus If I trim her tree Now who could foretell That it would go so well But sure as I am here That dog is now in doggy hell After an hour Evita in all her glory On the window ledge Of that 23rd story Like Thelma and Louise did When they got the blues Swan dove into The courtyard of the Gracie Mews🎶