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Prince_Haibin t1_irtzmkd wrote

you know, i've walked from from crystal city to national before, and it was actually not the worst. I'm curious to see how the pedestrian bridge will bring improvements


reivax t1_iru30kc wrote

It's circuitous. And complex for travelers with bags and kids. This is so much cleaner.

The VRE connection helps a ton. VRE doesn't run much, but it doesn't go to many places. The more destinations it serves, the more reasonable it'll be to run frequently, the more frequently it runs, the more people will build things accessible to it. It's a great positive feedback loop.


chefr89 t1_iruk7tc wrote

I have walked from CC to the airport three or four times and each time I do I swear I'll never do it again. you'd think it'd be easy but somehow I get lost every damn time


HankScorpioPR t1_irvvhq2 wrote

Yeah, I've done it before by myself but it's no picnic. Everytime I travel with my wife she insists on taking an Uber, even though we live in CC. This bridge will be a huge improvement.


anjufordinner t1_iru2ufc wrote

It would definitely be nice to have something a little more direct, because as-the-crow-flies it isn't bad, but the zig-zagging gets a little tired.