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TedaToubou t1_iu0n5fz wrote

Theyre legally not allowed to chase. My lawyer friend said dc is the best city to drive drunk because cops cant chase after u at any time. He doesnt do it nor encourage but we were on the topic of drunk drivers in nova


invalidmail2000 t1_iu2jajq wrote

Chasing is different than say turning on your lights and attempting to stop.

They literally don't do anything.


drr71-2 t1_iu43er8 wrote

There are two cops on trial right now in DC for just "turning on their lights" and doing something. The guy they tried to stop took off and hit a truck & died. Now those cops are charged with his death for trying to do something. The message is loud and clear.... these cops aren't being supported by the public or at any level to be proactive or even reactive.... so this city is getting exactly the policing it wants.


invalidmail2000 t1_iu4oxio wrote

No they actually chased him. There is even dashcam video of it.

Though I got no problem with what they did, they did more than just turn on their lights.


drr71-2 t1_iu4rp80 wrote

They turned their lights on and he took off. After a very short time, there realized her wasn't stopping, so they stopped trying to pull him over.... that was not a "chase".


invalidmail2000 t1_iu5fi5n wrote

They definitely were chasing him, driving very fast through alleys and running stop signs. I don't know how you can classify that as not a chase.

And yeah they stopped chasing him because he crashed.

Again I don't have any problem with the actions of the police here, but they definitely were chasing him.


drr71-2 t1_iu65ruy wrote

I saw the video also. Their lights were on for 20 second. They determined he wasn't going to stop so they turned their lights off and were showing down. He crashed 5 seconds after they turned the lights off and were showing down.


AStaleCheerio t1_iu6k6f5 wrote

I mean there's a lot more to that than just an unauthorized chase.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu46lu3 wrote

That’s crazy, you got a source on this?


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu67anw wrote

Question: have you lived in DC since before covid? If so, we’re hit and runs and car theft this bad before? Or it just the post-covid law enforcement (or lack there of) that’s causing it be so bad? I was literally crossing the street with the walk sign on, and some asshole who was stopped at a red light was staring me down then proceed to run the red light when I was about to take a step directly in front of him. I’ve never seen rat shit before I moved to DC but now it’s like so common I get nervous no matter what form of transport I’m taking


drr71-2 t1_iu69kh5 wrote

I have been in and around DC for the last 28 years. It has been getting worse year over year the past 10 years, but the last 5 have seen the decline get steeper. It's not MPD.... it's the lack of prosecution for crimes and the City Council attacking police for any action they take.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu67qpq wrote

This is crazy! From the article:

> Mr. Hylton-Brown’s crime that night? Driving a moped on the sidewalk without a helmet,

Like what about the pedestrian walking on the sidewalk?! Like there’s no justice for the bystanders and victim just trying to exist but this guy gets protests and the cops get fired and sued and no one asks or cares about the rest of us are dodging cars and bullets trying to go to work or the grocery store


drr71-2 t1_iu6b5wv wrote

And don't forget why the officers were actually trying to stop him.... the officers were aware of a neighborhood beef going on between two groups and Mr. Hylton-Brown was from the other area so they believed he might have been there to continue the beef, so he had the violation and the officers had a reason to stop him... the officers were being proactive to hopefully stop a neighborhood beef from getting worse, Now the officers are on trial. What's the message sent to cops? Try to be proactive, to get prosecuted. Try to stop someone and they run, you're at fault... not the person running. If you catch them, they're released and on the street. I've seen folks walk by officers and yell "fuck you" at the officers.... just standing by their car or walking on patrol. So again.... why should the cops be proactive or take any measure beyond the bare minimum? Like I've said.... this city is getting the level of policing they want.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu6cdvi wrote

To be fair, the officers did lie after their shift about how he got hit, that deserves punishment, especially since their lies are involved with a death. But I agree they shouldn’t be punished for being proactive about crime like they were.


drr71-2 t1_iu6ejrh wrote

The guy died days later.... not during their shift that night and not as a result of their not following protocol after the accident. Yes, the officers did not follow their general orders in a major crash and should have faced administrative review and punished if that's what was called for.... but that's not what they're on trial for.


invalidmail2000 t1_iu4ozbz wrote

They actually chased him there is dashcam video out there as well.