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SquishWindow t1_iy0f06t wrote

Jaywalking is illegal here. Do you believe that jaywalking after you look both ways and see no cars coming is "crazy and dangerous"?


Brickleberried t1_iy0jiti wrote

No more than cars doing it.


SquishWindow t1_iy0muol wrote

Do you believe pedestrians jaywalking after looking both ways is "crazy and dangerous"? How come you can't give a clear yes or no answer to that very simple question?


Brickleberried t1_iy0pr8i wrote

I'm saying it's the same for cars, bikes, and pedestrians. If you're going to say it's not crazy for pedestrians, I'm going to say it's not crazy for cars, and vice versa.


SquishWindow t1_iy0qa52 wrote

You can't say whether it's crazy and dangerous for pedestrians to jaywalk after looking both ways? How can you be so confident in your argument when you can't even stand up to one simple yes or no question? That's pretty weak sauce.