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pomegranatecloud t1_ixr00sa wrote

I’ve lived in DC for over 12 years most of which without a car. IME the expectation is everyone gets to and from places on their own. If you don’t want to drive your friends don’t offer. I don’t think there’s any expectation of a ride unless you guys are going some place together that actually requires driving to get to like to a winery, hiking, day trip, etc. For that I would expect your friends to find your way to and from their place on their own versus you picking them up. If you’re being asked to drive your friends places it’s perfectly fine to decline.


anaxx t1_ixrhw4m wrote

Add to that: if my buddy drove the group trip to the winery, either they're getting the hat passed for gas money, or everyone he drove splits his part (or a chunk of his part) of the check.


iLikeGreenTea t1_ixrktqq wrote

I also lived in Dc without a car for 14 years. If I went all the way to the burbs I would sometimes hope or expect them to scoop me up from the metro. Anything within city I have ridden my bike, walked , metro, or Uber. I don’t want to have my friends feeling like they must drive me home….. I don’t expect them to offer either . Unless it’s a one_off scenario like I am completely drunk and they are sober and want me to get home or they are already taking someone home in my direction. on the flipside, I did get a car and I will not offer to drive people to the airport if I don’t want to . I think airport pick ups and drop offs are bit of a big ask. Much bigger if it’s Dulles or BWI.