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qksv t1_iv94z8y wrote

Licensed and Insured Drivers get to blast music and nearly kill other road users, while people just trying to walk across the street are culpable in getting hit because they wear headphones?

Pardon my French, but fuck that.

Ticket drivers. Tow them when they don't pay. Take away their license if they keep violating laws.

Driving is a privilege, not a right.


Oldbayistheshit t1_iv9uj8e wrote

If you wanna die, that’s on you, but you’re gonna lose the fight


SleepCinema t1_ivdq63d wrote

I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, it’s true. You, as a person walking, are much more physically vulnerable than someone in a car. And if music is causing you to not be aware of your surroundings, just take your headphones off at intersections/busy crossings. I expect the same from drivers. It’s just general best practice. Coming from someone who’s also almost been hit in a crosswalk multiple times and does think this is a driving issue. Not victim blaming pedestrians at all, but please, for your safety, you know?

I would say something else about how folks suddenly know when to keep headphones off, but I’m not tryna start a big debate.