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walkandtalkk t1_iv99i4z wrote

I think we need much tougher driving enforcement, but I don't see why we can't also making our road system functional and sane. While cars and dirt bikes are racing up 14th Street, we're ticketing drivers for $125 for going more than 7.5 MPH through the K Street underpass. We also refuse to time stoplights on a lot of major streets, which actually incentivizes people to gun it through a yellow in order not to get stuck at the next eight intersections in succession.

It is very possible to make driving both easier and safer by shifting focus from revenue collection to bona fide safety enforcement and efficiency.


Tom_Leykis_Fan t1_ivd0wqj wrote

While I love sticking it to drivers, the blatant dishonesty (at best) or lying about having speed cameras at the entrance from 395 really hurt popular support for speed cameras. And as we have learned since 2016, conspiracy theories thrive in the absence of truth. The city should remove the camera at 395 and simply add more on city streets.