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Kylearean t1_iwssfxw wrote

I admire your gumption, but club game is hard mode.

Easy mode is daytime / early evening bookstore, coffee shop, public areas like parks.


p_yth OP t1_iwssitz wrote

I'm too ugly for daygame lol


Kylearean t1_iwstkc7 wrote

I scanned your profile.

You're too nice.

Never compliment a woman unless she's done something to deserve it.

Always switch to text to make plans. Text is more real. Only use the text for quick messages and "meetup" planning. Never call it a date. Never start with food unless it's something unusual / special.

You need more pics with friends.

Hook up with the local (your ancestral country) community (e.g., Eritrean) to meet people.

The path to getting laid is to not want to get laid, and to express that desire. "Hey, about tonight -- I don't want to hook up, just get to know you. "


boots_with_the_furr t1_iwt380r wrote



Kylearean t1_iwt3e50 wrote

Okay, what's gross about it?


boots_with_the_furr t1_iwt9ahe wrote

All of it. You sound like you don’t have any game or much experience with women. Also he’s posted that he’s Ethiopian.


Kylearean t1_iwta4tq wrote

Sounds like your problem, not mine. Eritrean was just a guess. Ethnically the same, politically different.


boots_with_the_furr t1_iwtouh3 wrote

Ignorant and lame, similar to your juvenile pickup artist techniques


Kylearean t1_iwue7wb wrote

I'm not the person insulting strangers online. Good luck.


boots_with_the_furr t1_iwui38h wrote

No not direct insults, just sexist and toxic generally. The downvotes indicate I’m onto something. Enjoy that


IfUReadThisURLame t1_iwsuggf wrote

Have you seen the Tao of Steve? There seems to be some overlap in your philosophy, especially the last point.


Own_Literature_2790 t1_iwtbf9s wrote

Do you wait three days before calling your babies, even if they’re money?


jrunner02 t1_iwu0xms wrote

He's like a bear with these razor sharp claws and he's just batting the bunny around asking himself, "How do I kill the bunny with these claws, man?!"


Own_Literature_2790 t1_iwu8fw7 wrote

Hi, uh, Nikki, this is Kyle. I met you at the, um, at Looking Glass tonight. I just called to say that I had a great time… and you should call me tomorrow, or in two days, whatever. Anyway, my number is 202–555–4679


Kylearean t1_iwtchf3 wrote

No, I don't wait at all. I make plans.
