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cptjeff t1_iy8sz8z wrote

Great news. It's always nuts when you drive in to park down there with the pedestrians and bikers all choosing to use different lanes. Even if you're trying to go slow and be safe, it's tricky. Glad they're finally just giving everybody their assigned lanes to avoid confusion.

Next up, repair the goddamn sidewalks so that pedestrians aren't forced onto the road and can stroll by the waterside.


KevinKlaes t1_iy90rxd wrote

Repairing the sidewalks would help remove some of the slowest moving traffic from the roadway.


RoeRoeRoeYourVote t1_iy9fszr wrote

Came here to say that. Those sidewalks are so broken (and often flooded) that they're completely unusable.


NorseTikiBar t1_iy8y8df wrote

Yeah, some of those sidewalks are so ridiculously slanted that I've been worried about twisting an ankle when running on them.

... which has meant that I'm running on the road against traffic.


cptjeff t1_iy935zt wrote

There are also the ones that have flat out fallen into the water.


cdb5336 t1_iy9688o wrote

They do have plans to fix thr sidewalks. It is part of the seawall project that is being funded over the next few years.


cleversobriquet t1_iy9ns85 wrote

They've got to rebuild the sea wall before that happens. Makes no sense if the flooding Potomac washes them away every other storm