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[deleted] t1_iy67n1m wrote



pecanorchard t1_iy69j11 wrote

You think a post about a pedestrian almost getting killed by an asshole driver breaking the law is going to embolden pedestrians? Fascinating.


thegrumpycarp OP t1_iy6aa84 wrote

I’m not sure what your point is here re: echo chambering getting people killed. Obviously the roads aren’t safe for people to have their heads in the clouds, and even if they were safe enough people should still pay attention.

Are you saying this post - an anecdote about dangerous driving - will give people false confidence when crossing the street? That the title of this post will somehow influence pedestrians more than the “state law drivers must stop for pedestrians” signs at most crosswalks (but not this one)? That stopping for pedestrians when someone could conceivably blow past is just putting pedestrians at more risk?


lc1138 t1_iy6c8jh wrote

Go on and slither back to r/wallstreetbets


fireshighway t1_iy6sihk wrote

No one MUST refrain from killing people. They are simply breaking the law if they commit murder.

Lmao what the fuck are you even talking about.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iy6rkxg wrote

How is this emboldening anyone? Also they may be breaking the laws of the District of Columbia but they can’t break the laws of physics that saw a large object in motion needs room to come to a stop and can’t do it in a dime. You sound like the type of guy to step in front of an 18 wheeler then get mad when you get hit because the 10 ton truck couldn’t stop for you.