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suffertunity t1_iy6y9xg wrote

This is why it's safer for most people to just jaywalk. Using a crosswalk involves either a) a multi-way intersection where vehicles can come from many different places, and it's all too easy for either a driver or the pedestrian to misread or ignore signals, or b) a "please stop here even though you probably won't" crossing in the middle of a street. Both of these situations have many points of failure.

Jaywalking in the middle of the street by contrast involves a simple process: 1) look left 2) look right 3) if you don't see anyone coming you can go, guaranteed. No looking out for left turn people not paying attention to the crosswalk, no cyclists who don't see you on the other side of a stopped SUV and think the light doesn't apply to them, just the total absence of any threat whatsoever.


IcyWillow1193 t1_iy7a173 wrote

Jaywalking used to be just called "walking" before AAA lobbied to make it a crime.


turtyurt t1_iy7aoon wrote

Or you can be a true asshole like I see every day and just jaywalk through the street AT NIGHT while full lanes of cars are actively driving past you, and then flip off the cars as if they did something wrong