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rsplatpc t1_j1x2z0g wrote

> Without FONZ, events at the zoo have been complete misses.

just fyi the Zoo parted ways with FONZ because they could not afford to pay FONZ anymore after covid / not because they wanted to or thought they could do a better job or anything like that / FONZ people needed a salary and the zoo literally could not afford it / or come close to being able to afford it because their budget got decimated by covid and the lack of people coming to the zoo and spending money / the zoo is doing what it can with it's current budget and staff


GettysBede t1_j1x784q wrote

Is your period key broken? Why are you separating sentences with slashes?


[deleted] t1_j1x7xas wrote



Blametheorangejuice t1_j1x8jvc wrote

TIL mobile phones don't have periods


[deleted] t1_j1x932s wrote



Blametheorangejuice t1_j1x9867 wrote

I understood what you were trying to say?


[deleted] t1_j1x9da7 wrote



Blametheorangejuice t1_j1x9ivw wrote

...because I and others would have had a better chance of understanding what you said if you moved your thumb a millimeter to the right?


[deleted] t1_j1x9sk6 wrote



Blametheorangejuice t1_j1x9y3p wrote

I REALLY could not tell what you were trying to say and I didn't feel like deciphering it. Lazy writing = lazy reading.


[deleted] t1_j1xa1xy wrote



[deleted] t1_j1xafor wrote



[deleted] t1_j1xamal wrote



Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_j1y2fh3 wrote

Don’t feel the trolls dudes people like this are the kids in elementary who remind the teacher they forgot to collect homework and always said “well ackshually” before going off on a completely pointless tangent.
