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skiwhatwhat t1_j2eh6xg wrote

Is there any way to get info on how these decisions are made or what the models showed the benefits to be?


MidnightSlinks t1_j2ejhzp wrote

DDOT puts out notices for everything and holds community meetings on most major changes. These can start a year or more before the construction begins so you're way too late once you see something happening.

Make sure you're on all your community Listserves as DDOT tries to get the word out. DDOT also has mailing lists for major projects that you can get on once you hear about them and you'll usually be automatically added if you go to a community meeting on a project.


skiwhatwhat t1_j2ephjx wrote

This is really helpful, thanks! Do you know how to find and get on a community list-serve? Are they official ones or just ad hoc ones by people in the community?


Zwillium t1_j2exdfo wrote

I think all ANCs have monthly meetings. If you attend these (and fair warning, they can be quite painful to attend), they should discuss changes to streets/traffic patterns, including reps from DDOT discussing changes.

These meetings are listen-only (unless you've been approved to speak ahead of time), so it won't help if you want to share feedback, but it is useful to see what's coming down the pipeline.

If you're on Twitter, you may be able to find local residents who live tweet these events. I would start by following your local ANC rep and the algorithm should do the rest.