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NavyYardBro t1_j2az74e wrote

We got married at DAR, pretty cool. Pro tip - picking a venue where you can bring in outside booze with a catering company will save $$$$.


cbthomas85 OP t1_j2b5bfw wrote

awesome, thank you!


aUser_hasNo_Name t1_j2cceav wrote

We also did this just this past fall. No regrets at all. Had so many compliments from our guests.

We had 110 and felt it was perfect. Venue said they could squeeze 140 but it’d be tight for dinner. So that might be your limiting factor.


standrightwalkleft t1_j2dq53i wrote

Agreed, and most venues in DC (at least the ones that don't have their own catering) will allow this. You just can't transport it over state lines. But lots of folks order from a vendor like ACE Beverage or Schneider's, and they'll deliver the drinks directly to the venue for the caterer to chill and serve. Pretty easy!