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firewarner t1_j6ndujw wrote

Character is such an interesting euphemism for older. In 25 years all the newer apartments now will have "character"


GenericReditAccount t1_j6okgfm wrote

I’m not sure that’s true. Just because something is old, doesn’t mean it has character or is worth hanging onto. In 25 years, the paper mache apt buildings of this decade will likely be worse for wear and no more desirable than they are today.


CriticalStrawberry t1_j6pa6y2 wrote

DC isn't really building any of the 5 over 1 apartments that you're referring to by "paper mache". That's more of a suburban thing. The luxury apartments going up all around the city are concrete, brick, and steel and will likely stand the test of time just fine.

The 5 over 1 stick built complexes popping up along the fringes of downtowns across the US? Yeah those will be trash in less than a decade.