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RNconsequential t1_j697p5b wrote

You are funny.

You are willfully ignoring SO MUCH OF LIFE i don’t know how you avoid crashing into people when you drive.


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j69av2n wrote

Lolwut? Shit makes no sense bro lol


RNconsequential t1_j69d5le wrote

You are right. A lot of shit in the real world doesn’t make sense to you. You might want to stop while you are behind. Your stupid is showing out your ass.


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j69hd0z wrote

Good one dude. Glad you are bringing my driving ability into a discussion about the the manslaughter of Tyre.

Your username checks out with regards to your logic and opinions.


RNconsequential t1_j69ma4o wrote

(it is not about your driving but how little you pay attention or understand. now that I have spoon fed you how much you just don’t get it, please stop i am embarrassed for you.)


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j6a50ox wrote

Lol you can’t even spoon feed yourself dude. You can barely type a coherent sentence.