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International_Ad8264 t1_j3lp4qy wrote

A pedestrian has never killed anyone by running into them


darrenkopp t1_j3nji5k wrote

lol that definitely has and will continue to happen. Hell people have died without colliding, all you have to do is lose balance and land on your head the wrong way.


Old_Distribution9636 t1_j3lszkk wrote

Not true


International_Ad8264 t1_j3lte3k wrote



NoDesinformatziya t1_j3mbix5 wrote

It's irrelevant, regardless. Showing that a freak accident happened once, somewhere, does not make it a mundane accident, which pedestrian deaths are (unfortunately). It's just a dumb way for the poster to give a pedantic self-high five.


bananahead t1_j3ofddi wrote

See, right here it seems like you’re just trolling. Cmon.


yonibalogna t1_j3oqegj wrote

LMAOOOOO this is where OP completely lost credibility to me. Just a bozo!