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x01660 t1_j3luu1z wrote

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a car and motorcycle enthusiast; I LOVE the art of driving and riding, and I practice skills and take driving/riding courses as often as I can.

That said, driving is a PRIVILEGE and NOT a right... And too many drivers (ESPECIALLY out here in DC; y'all CRAZY) have an entitlement to the road.

It doesn't work that way.

My honest opinion is that we should do tiered licensing, like they do in Germany. But I also understand that until we fix our nationwide public transportation system, that tiered system would put undue burden of people of a lower SES, especially those that HAVE to commute to work.

If we had a better public transportation system, a LOT of people who would otherwise drive (out of convenience, skill level, or fear) would be off the road and in a bus or train.

That said, I get why the average person would be pissed off at drivers around here... its an utter shitshow... I can't count the amount of times that I've almost been flattened while riding my motorcycle.... Like the dude in a RAM 1500 who was doing 50 in a 15 on the opposite side of the road (i.e. headed right towards me) to get around a double parked car, and I had to go ALL the way into the bike lane (lucky it was unprotected) and still almost got hit....