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honorspren000 t1_j6jn0b1 wrote

Is it a Metro bus? It’s quite possible. But you will likely need a subpoena from a lawyer.

About 10 years ago, a metro cop beat up my husband and arrested him and his buddy, then charged them with a federal offense for beating up a cop. The whole thing happened at a metro train station.

After the event, I talked to the MPDC police and they stood by the Metro cop’s testimony. They were absolutely useless.

So next, I called up Metro and got the run around quite a bit, but eventually we got a hold of the phone number to a Metro employee that maintains all Metro camera footage. He was a very agreeable, nice guy. He told us he would collect the footage in advance for us, but he can’t give it to us without a subpoena and paid some kind of fee to metro. So, we got a lawyer, got the subpoena, paid the fee, got the footage and showed up in court with it.

Before we went before the judge, the metro cop was allowed to see the pretty damning footage, and the guy decided to dropped all charges. The video showed that it was actually the cop that was beating up my husband, not the other way around. Our lawyer said we had a really good case against the cop if we wanted to sue, but sadly my husband decided to not pursue it further. He was pretty scarred by the whole thing and just wanted to put it behind him.

Anyways, it was 10 years ago, so I don’t know if the process has changed or if it’s different for WMATA buses. But hopefully this will help.


[deleted] OP t1_j6jnjox wrote



honorspren000 t1_j6jwa2g wrote

I don’t have the number anymore. Sorry. I think I just kept calling different metro numbers that I googled until someone FINALLY gave me the number for the metro footage guy. Forewarning though, several metro employees gave me bad information and told me it wasn’t possible to get the footage. Don’t believe them.


ladebaha t1_j6jtnfa wrote

Wow that's so awful! I'm sorry this happened to you all. I hope the cop was fired. It's unfair the cop got to see it prior to and scary what could have happened to your husband and his friend if you all hadn't had the footage.


honorspren000 t1_j6jx4gm wrote

I don’t think he was fired, unfortunately. The video was shown to the cop and his lawyer/representative privately in a booth, and was not shown to his employer, the judge or anything.


[deleted] OP t1_j6juxdw wrote



ladebaha t1_j6jy17w wrote

I'm a Black woman in America with five nephews and four uncles. I'm acutely aware of what has happened and happens to people like me. Thanks 😊