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blues_and_ribs t1_j6g44dw wrote

I think the odds for snow peak in Feb. Then still a decent chance in March. If we hit, say, the middle of March with no snow, that’s when it’s time to worry.


Endurance_Cyclist t1_j6gu03u wrote

>If we hit, say, the middle of March with no snow, that’s when it’s time to worry.

Average temperatures this month are running more than 7 degrees above normal. It's time to worry.


blues_and_ribs t1_j6h4boh wrote

Overall it’s certainly trending in the direction where years like this are more common, but I recently moved back here after a long absence and this sort of thing is not unheard of. The last winter season I experienced here was 07-08, and it was quite similar to this. I remember because my job had me outside a lot that winter. The first snow wasn’t until late January, and IIRC it only snowed twice that season, and neither was very big. I also remember it getting into the low 70s the first week of January.