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DCGreatDane t1_j6mr39n wrote

Starting to feel frustrated with job recruiters and tidal wave of rejections. One even asked to take a personality and aptitude test, which I never heard a firm did. At least I’m keeping my anxiety in check or would be in a total meltdown.


DinosaurKevin t1_j6ms7hz wrote

Personality tests certainly aren’t common, but I had to do one once that was administered over the phone by Gallup. Was annoying because it was a bunch of “agree, neutral, disagree” questions that could have been done online, but nope, I had to do it over the phone on a Saturday morning at 8:30 and it took over an hour. I feel your pain though. I don’t even know why they did it. It was a white collar office job, not like I was trying to become a spy for the CIA.


DCGreatDane t1_j6mtq0g wrote

Actually it was for a government contract position part of HHS. Coming from working with nonprofits and corporate it’s still odd.


keyjan t1_j6n27iy wrote

Hate hate hate those Braxton Hicks oops, Myers Briggs things. Such a waste of time and completely useless. They forced the staff to do one of these in a meeting at my office once; when we went around the table to say what personality type we were, I held up the page and said, “I’m the person who wants to strangle all the people on the opposite corner of the chart.” -nervous laughter-


metrazol t1_j6n4bgj wrote

Old job made me take a DISC assessment. It's a variant of Big 5. I know this because it came up as woo woo magic at an old job. They also made the mistake of telling me what they were looking for. Easiest test to manipulate ever.


keyjan t1_j6n8eno wrote

I suppose nowadays I'd ask, “Should I point out that I'm on the spectrum, and any personality test I take is going to make me look like a sociopath at best, and an ax murderer at worst?” 😊


DCGreatDane t1_j6ntgc8 wrote

I’m dyslexic and use readers and sometimes speech feedback. So takes longer to process.