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Diomedesnuts t1_ja04jt0 wrote

Please elaborate on how being invaded by both Germany and Russia counts as "fucking themself"


MarBoBabyBoy t1_ja0k0y7 wrote

Poland supported Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia and even took some Czech land for themselves after Germany invaded. Stalin offered Poland to allow Soviet troops into Poland in the event Germany invaded, as Hitler's foreign policy was obviously become more and more aggressive. The Poles flat out refused, even though Russia was the only real power that could come to Poland's aid if (and when) Germany invaded. Even Britain and France asked the Poles to allow Soviet troops in because they knew they couldn't do much if Germany invaded.

The Western allies screwed themselves because of their appeasement of Hitler. Stalin viewed the appeasement as the allies aligning with Germany to destroy Russia. Russia wasn't even invited to the Munich Agreement even though giving Hitler Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) made it easier for Germany to invade Russia.

So after basically be shunned by their supposed "allies" Stalin did the next best thing and signed a non-aggression pact with Germany.


Duffelson t1_ja2298y wrote

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

The Nazi Germany and Soviet Union had LITERALLY divided poland before the first shot was fired.


MarBoBabyBoy t1_ja2qa71 wrote

This was made AFTER the West shunned the Soviets. Before that, Russia and the West were allies.


dudefromthepast3 t1_ja36gqy wrote

> and even took some Czech land for themselves after Germany invaded

Hmm, i wonder what Czechoslovakia did when Poland was fighting soviet russia in 1919.

> The Poles flat out refused, even though Russia was the only real power that could come to Poland's aid

Tell me what Russia did, when Estonia, Latvia AND Lithuania allowed russian troops in 1940