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[deleted] t1_ja1ewfa wrote


IlluminatedPickle t1_ja1f64a wrote

"This guys willing to fight in a war, he mustn't be willing to die for the war!"

Reading is hard.


[deleted] t1_ja1fk27 wrote



IlluminatedPickle t1_ja1fxmn wrote

> Very little is stopping you.

The AFU doesn't want volunteers with no combat experience. If Australia deploys troops, I'll have a chance to go. Without that, I have no ability to do so and still be able to return home either, because of the foreign fighter laws.

So yeah, there are things stopping me.


[deleted] t1_ja1hdjj wrote



IlluminatedPickle t1_ja1i1dx wrote

The AFU only wants combat experienced troops. The only way I'd be able to fight would be via joining a militia, which would run afoul of the foreign fighter laws.

It's like explaining why the sky is blue to a goddamned toddler.

E2A: > under s 119.1 of the Act, a person commits an offence if they enter into a foreign country with the intention of engaging in a hostile activity in that country or any other foreign country [14]. A person will also commit an offence if they engage in hostile activities in a foreign country [15]. However, liability under s 119.1 will not apply to an act done by a person “in the course of, and as part of, the person’s service in any capacity in or with ... the armed forces of the government of a foreign country”


[deleted] t1_ja1j598 wrote



IlluminatedPickle t1_ja1jm70 wrote

> we are lucky enough in Australia to live in peace and stability.

We sure are. And that's why I think everyone deserves it, including my Ukrainian mates. I don't think my responsibility to humanity ends at the shores of my country.

Y'know, because I'm not a glorified cockstain like some.

Nice goal post shift though. Now that you've realised you made a tit of yourself.