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crunchypuddle t1_j9f0g9z wrote

Meanwhile in the land of reality genetically modified crops are being produced which can handle rising global tempuratures and yields are presently up year over year.

Here's some actual science on the future of crop yields on already established farm land and not just some histrionic rant about crop failure

TLDR climate change means just that... change. Some yields maintain, some go down. Some places that weren't arable now are.


Ghune t1_j9f84yx wrote

Social pressures from movements of population will be a challenge.

Climatic refugees will be everywhere.


DaisyCutter312 t1_j9gh6m0 wrote

>Climatic refugees will be everywhere.

Once climate refugees start being that big of a problem, climate refugees will suddenly stop existing.


crunchypuddle t1_j9ggo5l wrote

There's a credible IEP report (assuming this is what you're referring to) which asserts 1 billion displaced by 2050. This is probably the report cited if you've seen this assertion in articles.

It should be clarified that's worldwide over the course of several decades. Up 3.7% over last year excluding Ukrainian refugees. I think the slower migration will help to offset some of these social pressures you're projecting.

This article does a pretty good job at illustrating which regions will be affected by this migration

TLDR again: Not so much gloom and doom. Some places are going to grow. Africa will see a boom.

Reddit tends to conflate climate change with climate disaster. I'm not saying climate change shouldn't be taken seriously, I'm just attempting to take some of the hysterics out of this situation, because if you believe reddit we're all doomed and we shouldn't even try... which just isn't true.


WalkFreeeee t1_j9f9w25 wrote

I am sure the poorest countries affected Will have access to high tech seeds..... Also , agriculture os just one part of the negative effects brought with climate change