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GoofAckYoorsElf t1_j9gnoe7 wrote

No. I'm just realistic. Mankind is not going to adapt over night. If change comes over night, mankind will riot. That's how we are. The individual can do something about it. The masses won't. It has happend. Only recently even. During COVID. We all know how people reacted on only a very brief risk of having to change their lifestyle. With looting and foraging.

"Imagine it's war and nobody goes" does not work! Collective action would be required. However that does only happen if sitting on our butts becomes more inconvenient than acting. We are lazy bastards. Like everything in the universe we always strive for the lowest possible level of energy. Or in our case, the lowest level of inconvenience. Thus, alas, things have to become way more inconvenient for us to act as a collective, not just as individuals that cannot change anything alone.