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TranscendentalViolet t1_ja7mk3e wrote

Not saying you’re wrong, but there’s good reason to doubt businesses when they say the solution to pollution is dilution. It was a pretty common saying in some industries and for decades, and it resulted in hundreds to thousands of areas in the US which are so polluted it will be hundreds of years before the damage is rectified, if that.

I’ll admit I can’t say with certainty the best course of action here, as I haven’t read the research or looked at the sources. It probably isn’t that much of an issue, and maybe Japan has better and more enforced regulation than the US. But for my experience, once you give the ok for these businesses with practically zero environmental accountability to pollute, and expect them to do it responsibly, is often the beginning of destroying the local ecosystem. Then the taxpayers pay for it, because there’s almost always a way for the skeevy executives to avoid responsibility.


sb_747 t1_ja7wqx1 wrote

> Not saying you’re wrong, but there’s good reason to doubt businesses when they say the solution to pollution is dilution.

But it isn’t just a business.

It’s every nuclear authority on the planet saying it’s safe.


TranscendentalViolet t1_ja8gmpc wrote

Well, the nuclear regulation authority in the article is a department in Japan’s government, presumably at least somewhat beholden to politicians and therefore TEPCo and other businesses as well. Do you have info on a non biased organization which corroborates their conclusion?

Again, it may be completely safe, and probably is. But the reason the”solution to pollution is dilution” was used as justification for waste disposal while creating horrible environmental disasters is because each individual polluting act is just as they say - essentially harmless to the environment. It’s the consistent release of pollutants over a long period of time which destroys the environment, and it’s been 12 years since the tsunami, and this is hardly the first irradiated water they’ve released.