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FYoCouchEddie OP t1_ja44pdt wrote

> Keep in mind, Israel has killed over 60 Palestinians since the beginning of 2023 including up to 16 children.

The vast majority of whom were engaged in combat when they were killed (either fighting soldiers or attacking civilians). Whereas there two people killed were sitting in a car in traffic.

> Israeli forces raided refugee camps where people are living in squalor.

Because that’s where the terrorist groups are largely located.

> They're raiding people's homes in an attempt to scare them out.

How do you propose one should arrest someone who is in a house?

> Israeli forces have killed journalists and doctors, and beaten up human rights advocates.

In very small numbers, especially compared to other conflicts. That also has nothing to do with this.

> And yet we still reserve the word terrorism only for Palestinians.

No we don’t. There are Israeli terrorists like Baruch Goldstein and Jewish terrorist groups like the Kahane group that have been banned in Israel.


FeatherFeet504 t1_ja5h93x wrote

Here the thing, no Israelis are safe in the the territory of Palestine, if the Palestine seem them terrorists, then they are right because who had gained land since the 1950s?


HiHoJufro t1_ja7a5nl wrote

Palestinians have gained much more land since the 50s compared to Israel. Remember that there was no Palestinian state before the six-day war (and therefore Israel's occupation) at all. So the Palestinians currently have the most land they have ever had under their own government (s).