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Uptown-Dog t1_jabelfs wrote

How fucking propaganda batman. If you're clueless enough to equate the outsourcing of making physical money with the onerous, deleterious and all-around-fucked-up impact that not being able to set your own country's economic policies on the fundamental level that being on the CFA is then you're absolutely not one who should be uttering a word here.

For those who don't know: being able to set strength or weakness of your own currency is incredibly important in being able to make your own goods cheaper for overseas markets, making them more attractive to buy, stimulating your own economy. This comes with trade-offs, but the need for poorer nations to do this is very, very real. By being stuck using the CFA as their currencies, dooms these smaller, fledgling economies to never be able to compete on the world stage. Hundreds of years from now, unless they change this, they'll still be backwater nations.

And has absolutely nothing to do with how your physical money gets created. Lots of even first world nations outsource their physical coin stamping and money printing to other countries, it's completely out of scope of monetary policy.

France has every incentive to keep them weak and dependent on France. France uses all its available power to keep its neocolonialism going, and it's been stupendously successful. Propaganda works though, just watch the comment I'm replying to to see it in action.


Mika0023 t1_jabti2z wrote

You miss the point though that they can simply leave the CFA and have all that control


Lost-Presentation114 t1_jac2vnn wrote

>You miss the point though that they can simply leave the CFA and have all that control

No, you deliberately ignore the part where France bribes and incentives the top leadership to do what isn't best for the country. First world nations bribing and corrupting third world nations is par for the course and it's deeply disingenuous to suggest that doesn't happen - France has means, motive, and opportunities in buckets.

And you also ignore the other times they absolutely wrecked the country that tried to leave. They made a example out of it - and we only have to look at the Middle East and Eastern Europe to see that nothing has changed: countries can and do forcibly use hard power to get their way.