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bpooqd t1_jacbj6g wrote

The racism aside that's the standard western schtick, you still live under this false assumption that western countries want african countries to develop and prosper. That there is this genuine liberal interest that prioritizes african nations own self interests, over the interests of western nations and multinational corporations. But the west will never sacrifice its own interests over the people of africa, there will never be a situation where a foreign nation gains influence and power over an african nation and uses that power to actually help that nation succeed and be able to stand on its own and be able to assert its own interests. There will never be a win-win scenario where everyone is happy and prosperous.

This is a liberal fantasy. It seems no matter how often historically this is proven wrong, western people can never let go of this delusion. No matter how much micro managing of african nations economies the western nations do, no matter how much power and influence they have, you will never see the obvious connection to their impoverishment. The only way african nations will ever succeed is if they become actually sovreign nations, but the second this happens, the west will sanction them into collapse or invade them outright.


YizzWarrior t1_jaci69r wrote

Your comment only states the issue I acknowledge also agree everything you say but it doesn't give a solution. Btw I dont think I am racist to underdeveloped parts of the world when I say they are exploited by the West or China and that's the reason they can't develop not because they are inferior. Your last sentence is the summary of the problem so I am only going to talk about that. I think the only way to break western or eastern intervention to Africa is by force. Eliminate all Wagner , corporate, Chinese mercenaries. Eliminate local forces who terrorise the people for power like what el salvador does. Than nationalize cobalt mines , make a collective fund like Norwegian oil fund . Buy cobalt in decent price instead of cheaping out send the money to the fund mentioned. Spend the money in the fund to build infrastructure in those countries. Also do not put a democratic government until population reaches certain point of education ( academic). But gather local leaders to address their issues as a nation wide parliament will get corrupted shortly because population is just not educated. Last part is the main reason my country Turkey is failing. Imposing western style government on uneducated masses causes it to fail in time. We should form an interim government controlled by forces that have all their actions monitored publicly (I am talking GPS position, live cams of police; continous Voice recordings of officials monitored by AI stuff).Afterwards the local authorities can form a their own unique form of government adhering to their cultural norms. Otherwise we are just imposing our own governance style on to them like we have done in the past. İdk wanna talk more here is TLDR; My argument is it's okey to hurt few people now instead let more people suffer in the future. Also developing rest of the world meanw more Amazon customer Jeff would love it so give more money to them