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hetfield151 t1_j9f0ezo wrote

You really want to start fucking with Nato?


nanosam t1_j9f14wg wrote

Nato is completely passive vs any nation with lots of nukes


Ok-Wrangler-1075 t1_j9f9hv6 wrote

Obviously nukes are a big ass deal but NATO would not be passive after any attack on its territory.


Snownova t1_j9f2wsu wrote

Have you been in a coma this past year!?!


nanosam t1_j9f3kev wrote

Have we defeated Russia yet?

We havent touched an inch of their soil

But we are quick to fucking bomb the shit out of countries that cant defend themselves


MajorAcer t1_j9f70lw wrote

and they haven't touched an inch of NATO soil so idk your point.


nanosam t1_j9fx6pi wrote

My point is we wouldnt have invaded Iraq if Iraq had 1000 nukes

We wouldn't have bombed Serbia if they had lots of nukes

We love to play the bully against weaklings

But anyone who can actually hit back, we won't touch

Example - China - active genocide against Uyghurs, the world does nothing because nukes

Russia is openly invading Ukraine, the world does nothing to disable bases in Russia, because nukes

My point is - if you want to make sure the world won't do anything, put everything you have into buying/developing Nukes.

Needless to say we (US) and Russia fucked over Ukraine when we convinced them to give up their nukes

If Ukraine still had nukes today, there wouldnt be an invasion


Snownova t1_j9fdrza wrote

Russia has been ground to a dead stop by NATO surplus stores and the most bottom of the barrel European economy.


nanosam t1_j9jsxly wrote

And yet they are still in Ukraine after a year with Ukraines infrastructure decimated.

Meanwhile our military contractors are dancing their way to the bank.

If there was a swift victory we would lose out billions in sales of weapons/vehicles/etc...

Want the truth about anything in the world? Follow the money

Its ground to a halt because this is what is benefing our military sales